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Coaching & Mentoring

giving you extra powers

Business coaching and mentoring are powerful tools to help you and your team expand and strengthen your vision, confidence and practical skills.

Though often used interchangeably, coaching and mentoring serve distinct purposes within professional development.

Business Coaching

  • One hour of powerful 1-1 business coaching

  • Plus preparatory deep-dive questionnaire to hit the ground running during our session

  • Plus take-home strategy with targets and resource kit for growth

  • Plus mid-session accountability check-ins when you book a plan, to keep you on track

Power-Hour Plus 1-to-1 Business Coaching sessions are a juicy, deep-dive hour of coaching, supported by a pre-session focus questions and take-home strategy. A challenging, goal-orientated hour to help you level up, in whatever way is needed to help you release any blocks and put the practical and leadership pillars in place that will enable growth. 


There may also be an element of business development therapy, as we work through any psychological and practical resistance that needs to shift for you and your organisation to reach fullest potential.


Each Power-Hour Plus comes with a pre-session questionnaire so we can hit the ground running, and I’ll always follow up with a synopsis of our discussion, along with relevant useful advice, a reading list, and target next steps that you can move forward with in your own time. If you book a series of sessions, you'll can also expect accountability check-ins.


Coaching sessions are for people who are truly prepared to take the next steps needed to power up. Expect to go deep. Together we'll share an open, non-judgmental space for you to take a step back, gain true clarity, and power up. They're an investment you make in yourself, your future self and your business.

Mentoring is a great choice for small businesses and creatives looking for experienced professional guidance, support and insights to navigate the challenges of starting, managing, and growing their ventures.

For small business owners, mentoring helps you make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls. You may be looking for strategic advice on business planning, financial management, marketing, setting up efficient operational systems, and so on... Mentoring can also help you build networks, secure new routes to market, and explore scaling to help foster growth.

For creatives, mentoring is tailored to what makes your work so unique. We might look at developing your personal brand, how to manage time and productivity in creative projects, pricing and monetising your talents, as well as strategies for balancing artistic integrity with market demands.

The goal of mentoring is to empower you with the tools, confidence, and connections needed to thrive in your field and run a sustainable business that also supports your overall wellbeing.


  • One hour of empowering 1-1 mentoring

  • Tailored to your specific project and goals

  • Expert advice and skills development

£75 / 1hr

Reboot, refresh, realign… Whatever you need most right now, this completely flexible 1-1 mentoring session is a chance for you to thrash out what’s feeling stuck, upskill on a particular topic, gain constructive feedback and develop practical ideas for growing your business.


Mentoring is led by you and tailored to develop you from where you are now, to where you're looking to go. It's a tool to help clarify and focus your goals, address any blocks that may be holding you back, and establish achievable solutions that can help your enterprise thrive.


Mentoring is a perfect choice for creatives looking to navigate the commercial aspects of creativity and balance artistic integrity with market demands. It's also a popular option for small business owners juggling extensive to-do lists and looking for the clarity to prioritise efforts effectively, or considering where best to invest valuable funds strategically in a way that will genuinely help with growth.


Whether you're looking for practical expertise around marketing and PR, routes to market, financial planning and forecasting, pricing structures, the best investments to make, how to develop new product ideas... or looking for more motivational guidance around how to evolve as a business owner, mentoring is a productive and inspiring tool for growth.

Business coaching is a more structured, goal-oriented process, where we work together to set and achieve strategic targets. It's a perfect choice if you're looking to go deep and level up fast, through enhancing specific practical skills, improving performance, and achieving defined growth objectives for you or members of your team. 

My Power-Hour Plus Business Coaching sessions start before we meet, with preparatory questions to prep and focus, and are followed up with a strategic plan. If you book a monthly or quarterly coaching package, you will also receive accountability check-ins to make sure you're on track to achieve your goals.

Save up to £300 when you subscribe to a package...

Build a strategy, learn new skills and be held accountable towards targets for long-term business, marketing and personal development.

  • Monthly Mentoring Subscription

    Every month
    Flexible monthly mentoring to empower your development.
    • Save £5 per session when you subscribe to monthly mentoring
    • Expert advice to support your business goals
    • Professional & personal development
  • Monthly Coaching Subscription

    Every month
    Deep, targeted support and accountability for your strategy, skills development and growth.
    • Save £10 per session when you subscribe to monthly coaching
    • Set goals, learn new skills and be challenged to grow
    • Flexible monthly business coaching, cancel any time
  • A Year of Quarterly Mentoring

    Empowering & practical mentoring tailored to your goals.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Save £50 when you book 4 x mentoring sessions
    • Expert advice to support your business goals
    • Professional & personal development
  • A Year of Monthly Mentoring

    Empowering & practical mentoring tailored to your goals.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Save £200 when you book 12 x mentoring sessions
    • Expert advice to support your business goals
    • Professional & personal development
  • A Year of Quarterly Coaching

    Bespoke quarterly business coaching to keep your project on track for targeted growth.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Save £100 when you book 4 x Power-Hour Plus Sessions
    • Quarterly accountability, strategy updates & take-home tasks
    • Set goals, learn new skills and be challenged to grow
  • A Year of Monthly Coaching

    Bespoke monthly business coaching to help your project grow.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Save £300 when you book 12 x Power-Hour Plus sessions
    • Monthly accountability, strategy updates & take-home tasks
    • Set goals, learn new skills and be challenged to grow
Giant Peonies
  • Support, advice & development for small business owners & creatives

    1 hr

    75 British pounds
  • Coaching, goal-setting, take home strategy, targets & accountability

    1 hr

    150 British pounds

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Coaching +

  • One hour of empowering 1-1 coaching

  • Preparatory questionnaire + take-home strategy

  • Deep, targeted support & accountability for clarity, strategy, skills development & growth

£150 / 1hr

Power-Hour Plus 1-to-1 Business Coaching sessions are a juicy, deep-dive hour of coaching, supported by pre-session focus questions and a take-home strategy. This challenging, goal-orientated hour is designed to help you level up in whatever way is needed to help you put practical and leadership pillars in place that will enable growth. 

There may also be an element of business development therapy, as we work through any psychological and practical resistance that needs to shift to ensure your goals are clear, aligned to your real purpose and helping you reach your fullest potential.

Each Power-Hour Plus coaching session comes with a pre-meeting questionnaire so we can hit the ground running, and I’ll always follow up with a strategic synopsis of our discussion, along with relevant useful advice and target next steps to move forward with in your own time. If you book a series of sessions, you'll also receive accountability check-ins to keep you on track.

Coaching is for people who are truly prepared to go deep and power up. Together we'll share an open, non-judgmental space for you to gain true clarity, sharpen your tools, and take the steps needed to enact change. These sessions are an investment you make in yourself, your future self and your business.

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